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Heretaunga Tamatea
Pou Tahua
May E-Pānui
New Governance Appointments
Tamatea Pōkai Whenua are pleased to update changes in governance for Heretaunga Tamatea Pou Tahua GP (HTPT). Robin Hape will be joining the board as a new director and Trustee representative, whilst Daniel Mussett has been reappointed as an independent director. Both Robin and Daniel provide significant experience and skills to the Board. We would like to acknowledge Keri Ropiha and Ben Nettleton whose terms as directors have now ended. E mihi ana ki a kōrua! In addition, Robin Hape and Edwin Jansen (independent) have been appointed to represent the interests of HTPT on the Kaweka Gwavas Forestry Company. We wish to acknowledge Liz Graham and Cordy Huata who have represented Tamatea Pōkai Whenua on this company since Settlement. Mei kore ake kōrua, oti noa koutou!
Wairatahi has made significant progress and has now secured a Fast Track Consent. This project has the potential to be transformational for Flaxmere, Hastings with consent allowing for approximately 450 new kāinga. Irrespective, it is important to note that development projects of this nature are complex and carry significant risk – therefore HTPT are in the process of assessing development partner and Crown funding options. In the coming months HTPT will be looking to provide more detailed implementation plans, in addition to scheduling a blessing for the site and advancing the cultural narrative. The time will also be spent working alongside Tamatea Pōkai Whenua to understand whānau needs and aspirations to ensure the project can provide meaningful housing opportunities for whānau.
Hei whakakapi ake, e mihi ana ki ngā mahi kua tutuki i ngā tarati, me ngā kaimahi o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua, koutou e titikaha nei ki ngā kaupapa huhua i te tau kua hipa atu nei. He rau ringa e oti ai, he toa takitini hoki! Tēnā koutou katoa.
We are keen to hear from you if you have any feedback or suggestions. Mauri ora.
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